Study In Spain

Why Study Abroad in Spain?

Whether you’re interested in spending your fall semester, spring semester, summer, or even a whole year abroad, Spain has a lot to offer the curious student traveler, no matter your area of interest. From Ancient Rome to the Spanish Empire and beyond, Spain’s history and culture come out not only in history books, but in architecture, art, literature, religion, cultural traditions, and more. In fact, Spain is home to 44 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, a fact that underlines the many opportunities this country could offer as your study abroad program of choice.

Plus, it’s the home of La Liga, one of the most popular soccer (or fútbol) leagues in the world. So whether you’re a Barça fan, love Real Madrid, or have a different affiliation, if you want to spend your time outside class in a passionate soccer culture, this one’s for you.

Spain not only boasts a number of famous cities, full of culture, history, and architectural wonders, but a warm climate and diverse terrain. From mountains to beautiful coastlines, rivers to islands, whether you’re a city dweller, or you’re the type who prefers to spend your time outside the classroom exploring nature, studying abroad in Spain is a great choice.

Immerse Yourself in Spanish History & Culture when you Study Abroad in Spain

Whether you’re a student of history, or have a personal interest, studying abroad in Spain might allow you to learn a lot not only about the history of Spain itself, but also Western Europe.

With historical artifacts dating all the way back to pre-history, spanning through a variety of cultures and conquerors—not to mention its own time as a conquering force—if you want to learn about history, archeology, anthropology, and more, Spain can bring your studies to life in a unique way. From cave paintings to the Roman Aqueducts to beautiful palaces like the Alhambra, Spain allows you to experience history alongside your more contemporary pursuits, walking on the same paths as famous historical figures.

Spain’s history is inextricably tied to its culture. For example, Moorish influence can be seen in architecture, music, education, infrastructure, and more. From its time as an Imperial power, with colonies and exploration around the globe, to civil war, throughout the World Wars, until today, programs to study abroad in Spain would be a great choice for any student interested in learning something new.

Study Abroad in Spain and Experience the Arts

Whether you’re a student of the arts already, or whether you want a study abroad experience rich with creative experiences, Spain might have something to offer you.

Love art history? Spain has a long and varied artistic tradition, and is well known for Moorish art and architecture, as well as Medieval and Renaissance art, especially religious art of those periods. Spain is home to a great number of famous artists, including Picasso, El Greco, Goya, and Salvador Dalí to name a few. While Spanish art has had a variety of influences including French and Italian, this area is one in which its Moorish influence may be especially prevalent, giving the art of Spain a unique style you can’t find anywhere else.

Spain is also home to diverse architecture, from Moorish architecture, to Mediterranean and Renaissance, Baroque, Romanesque, Neoclassical… you name it, you can probably find an example here, tinged by a uniquely Spanish influence. But it’s not just home to historical architecture. Spain is the home of a number of well-known 20th century architects, making it a great place to learn about the art today in addition to the greats that came before.

Find Programs to Study Abroad in Spain Today!

So are you ready to seize the opportunity for an exciting study abroad experience in Spain? Whether you want to learn about the arts, history, a new culture, practice your language skills, or even if you’re in it for the soccer, Spain might be the place for you.  You might be able to study abroad in Spain for a single semester, the summer, or even a full academic year. If you’re ready to get started finding your study abroad program, let help you get started!

Cost Of Living in Spain:

Attending a college or a university in Spain is a once in a lifetime event that you are certain to appreciate for the rest of your life. The amazing country has excellent learning opportunities, surrounded by pristine living in the most immaculate of culture. Combined with an amazing climate and plenty to do, Spain is certainly the place to be.

If you are a student that is soon to be living in Spain and attending school, you are probably very excited but also nervous, unsure of what to expect. There’s lots of things running through your mind –including how much it will cost to live in this beautiful country.

The costs of living in Spain are not the same for everyone. It really depends on where you live and the lifestyle that you want to lead. Living in Spain can be very affordable, or it can be very expensive, and you are the determining factor to which you will receive. As a student you are probably wanting to live as affordable as possible, and this means conducting as much research as you possibly can concerning housing options, shopping, schools and more.

It is safe to say that you should look outside of Madrid and Barcelona if you want the most affordable of living options in Spain. These two cities rank among the top 50 most expensive places to live in the world. Country living, as it is called, is much more affordable, and brings to you a wonderful, comfortable place to call home as you attain your education. If you you’re your heart set on living near the beach, do not think that you cannot do this affordable. The key to beach housing is also location, and you must stay away from Mallorca.

Housing costs will be the biggest expense that you have while attending a university in Spain, as you can imagine, so make sure that you carefully consider the city in which you reside, as well as the housing option that is best suited for your needs. Even if you attend a school in Madrid or in Barcelona you can choose to live in a nearby city and live much more affordably. The three cheapest places to live in Spain are Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela and Granada.

Now for a look at the costs of living in Spain, few other very important things.


There is plenty of choices in entertainment available throughout the country, and most of that entertainment is affordable. There are certainly entertainment options to suit the needs and the tastes of all, with many museums, bars and pubs, zoos, markets, shopping centers, art galleries and more scattered about. Most of these things are affordable for the budget.

Additionally Spain is loaded with tons of free things that you can do to entertain your time. These things are certainly worth looking into, as  they are also varied in nature and include something that every taste can appreciate.

Internet is available throughout Spain and can be obtained at a cost of about 10 Euros per month, quite affordable compared to other nearby areas and a true bargain for you.


You can attend a college in Spain and do it in style, as clothing is very affordable in Spain. Furthermore there are a number of choices in shopping for the clothing that you want to wear. Spain is filled with shopping malls, outlets, department stores, and more, with numerous brand names and all of the latest fashions from around the world ready for you to obtain. Barcelona is certainly the place to go when you want to shop for clothing.


We all love electronics, and as a student those items like laptops, tablets and smart phones can greatly aid in learning, as well as getting around in the country, providing entertainment and more. You may find yourself wanting to purchase any of the items above, or TVs, DVD players and more. The cost of electronics is a bit more expensive than in other parts of Europe, although you can shop around and get a good deal.


Everyone needs to eat, and you will be pleased to know that you can eat well for less in Spain. Many great restaurants are available for dining out, with the average meal costing between 6 and 20 Euros per person. This is more than affordable, easily feeding you and all of your college buddies.

If you plan to prepare your own meals (or, make your own sandwiches) the costs of buying foods at the supermarket is quite affordable as well. Spain is filled with many markets, and staying away from Hipercor will ensure that you get the best prices on all of your goods. Typical prices for some of the most commonly purchased food items can be found below.

  • 1 Litre Milk -1 Euro
  • Fresh Chicken – 4 Euros per kilogram
  • 1 Kilo Potatoes -70c
  • Frozen Pizza -3.50 Euros
  • Cheddar Cheese -6 Euros for 250grams of cheese

The average individual will spend an average of 450 Euros per month on food while in Spain. 


If you use the public transportation system you can get around quite affordably. A bus is available, as is a taxi cab. Expect to spend about 6 Euros to utilize public transportation, per trip. Rental cars are also available.


Healthcare in Spain is among the best that you will find. You can always expect to find amazing hospitals and highly qualified doctors with state of the art equipment and using the latest technologies. The healthcare in Spain is sponsored by the government, making the costs of healthcare affordable for anyone. The average doctor visit will cost 50 Euros if you are without insurance.


We’ve already talked about the average cost of Internet, but what about other utilities? If you choose to rent your own apartment or flat, you can expect to spend an additional 300 Euros for utilities which include electric, gas, telephone and internet.

Tuition Fees in Spain

And now what you really need to know as a student in Spain! The costs of attending college in Spain is not the same, as you may have already expected. The tuition costs vary by institution; however, on an average you can expect the average tuition rate to be around 1000 Euros per semester.


No. University Name Apply
1 EOI (Escuela de Organization Industrial) Apply
2 Universidad European Apply
3 Universidad Loyola Andaluc Apply
4 ESIC Apply
5 UCAM Apply
6 ISDI Education Apply
7 Insa Business Marketing and Communication school Apply
8 International School At Sotogrande Apply
9 Barcelona School of Management Apply
10 Barcelona Technology School Apply
11 Centro De Lenguas E Intercambio Cultural (CLIC) Apply
12 EAE Business School Apply
13 ELISAVA Apply
14 EU Business School Apply
15 Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia Apply
16 ISDE Apply
17 Malaga College Apply
18 Marbella International University Centre ( MIUC) Apply
19 Schiller International University Apply
20 Universitat International De Catalunya Apply
21 Univeresity Pompeu Fabra Apply
22 University Of Tartu (Estonia) Apply