Study In Azerbaijan

Study in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan is located on the Asiatic continent in the eastern part of the Transcaucasia. Iran to the south, Armenia to the west, Georgia to the northwest and Daguestan are the neighbor countries of Azerbaijan, which is confined to the east with the Caspian Sea. The total length of Azerbaijan's land borders is 2,648 km. The three mountain ranges are together covering approximately 40% of the country. The climate of Azerbaijan is varied; it is subtropical in the mountains and very humid in the flat lands.

Azerbaijan in short facts & figures

  • Population: 8,388,000
  • Capital: Baku
  • Area: 86,600 square kilometers (33,436 square miles)
  • Offician Language: Azerbaijani (Azeri); Russian, Armenian, Kurmanjii, and Talysh are also used
  • Religion: predominantly Islam; also Russian Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox
  • Currency: Azerbaijani manat
  • Life Expectancy: 72
  • GDP per Capita: U.S. $3,700
  • Literacy Percent: 97%

Education system in Azerbaijan:

Azerbaijan's educational system offer degrees on three levels Bachelor's, Master's and PhD which is similar to the system used in the United States and Europe. Educational diplomas from Azerbaijan are recognized in more than 50 countries. Because of its unique geographic location between Europe and Asia, Azerbaijan has joined two of UNESCO's six committees on Education: the European Committee which includes 41 countries, and the Asian Committee which includes 37 countries. Many universities have chosen English as the instruction language as it is mainly the language of communication and science in the world. English is now the medium at all the departments that welcome international students. The students who can prove that they have sufficient knowledge of English pass to the first year directly. To qualify the students should either produce an official TOEFL score of at least 500, or an official IELTS score over 6, or get 60% from the proficiency test given before the lessons start.

Higher education system in Azerbaijan :

The system of higher education in Azerbaijan consists of the following types of state or private institutions: academies, institutes, colleges, conservatoires and universities which offers B.A, M.A., M.Sc., and doctoral programs and an MBA program.

University level first stage :

This stage lasts for four years and leads to the Bachelor's Degree or Bakalavr. During this period, students may study the Humanities and Natural Sciences as well as the basis of the chosen speciality.

University level second stage :

During the second stage, which lasts between one-and-a-half and  two years and leads to the Master's Degree or Magistr, students acquire in-depth knowledge and professional training in the  Humanities and in Natural Sciences.

University level third stage :

The best graduates of the Master stage are admitted to the doctoral stage. After successful completion of their studies (two or three years), they obtain the Doctoral degree (PhD). 

Diploma studies:

Diploma studies are non degree programs that focus on a specific career or skill. These are offered by many private institutions as well as by some universities.

Academic Year in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan has two-semester academic year generally starting in September. Some courses are available when the spring semester starts in January. You may also be able to attend summer courses.

Studying costs in Azerbaijan:

The state also ensures free higher education on the university level for talented students who entered the university with high scores benefit from discounts in educational fees. Besides they are granted scholarships.

Foreign students in Azerbaijan:

Today Azerbaijan is holding the right place in the rapidly growing world. Students from various countries around the world specially from the neighbors come to pursue their studies in Azerbaijan. Some of them study in Azerbaijanis universities for two semesters in order to learn the language and have some experience.
If the foreign student passes the Proficiency test of Azerbaijani and English he or she can be exempt from the Preparatory Lessons. This depends to which university they choose for their studying experience in Azerbaijan.

About Educational visa for Azerbaijan:

Foreign students should apply for visa at the Embassy of Azerbaijan in their country.
Cost of short-term visa in Azerbaijan will be about $100 and long-term student visa about $200.
The certificate of invitation to the educational institution and the financial guarantees of tuition payment and payment for residence are required as well. The following documents are required for this:

  • 1 photo
  • Copy of passport
  • State duty (20 US Dollars)
  • Visa application Form

The educational visa of foreign students in Azerbaijan covers the whole educational period:

  • Bachelor - 4 years
  • Master - 2 years
  • Post-graduate - 3 years
  • The educational visa should be renewed for each educational year. A student must apply to Counselor department, every time he or she goes back to his native country.

Temporary registration of foreign students in Azerbaijan:

Within a week, after entering the university, foreigners should apply for Council-Protocol Department for living registration. For this purpose, they should represent:

  • 3 photos
  • Copy of passport
  • State duty

Accommodation for international students in Azerbaijan:

The accommodation is one of the important things to plan if you are planning to study abroad. It's quite easy to find a place to live particularly in the larger cities of Azerbaijan such as a Baku. Foreign students can choose to live with a local family by renting a room. This maybe costs a little more than the university dormitories, but will give you the possibility to learn more about language and culture. Another alternative is to stay in the university dormitories. Dorms are usually located on campuses which are basically furnished.

Information and support centers for international students in Azerbaijan:

There are support centers which provide services for the International students. Support services include:

  • Visa registration
  • Arrival arrangements
  • Housing information and host family programs
  • Orientation programs on personal, financial, legal, health-related needs national values and culture
  • Meeting arrangements, including planning programs and activities for internationals and their families
  • Extension of academic stays for valid reasons
  • City guidance

These centers are open during the week and are also available on Sundays and public holidays for special events, such as guest trips to various regions of Azerbaijan. The Center tries to make internationals feel more comfortable and interested in Azerbaijan.

University List:

Study in Azerbaijan, the teaching process and training of foreign student is in conformity with the American and European educational system; Specialties on Bachelor, Master and Doctorate levels are taught in Azerbaijani, English and Russian ; Student can graduate in some university with 2 or more specialties (dual major); Students have opportunities to participate in different exchange programs.

Educational Opportunities

There are 51 universities in Azerbaijan, 36 run by the state and 15 private. Currently there over 100,000 undergraduate and graduate students studying at universities there. Universities employ over 11,000 instructors. Azerbaijani culture’s respect for learning has led the country to be a center of learning for the Muslim people. As a result, a reasonably large percentage of Azerbaijanis have obtained some sort of higher education, typically in scientific or technical subjects, often oil industry technologies.

Areas of Study

According to the Ministry, international students typically choose specialties such as Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Computer engineering, Telecommunication, Civil engineering, Marketing, international relations or international economic as well as Oil and gas engineering, etc.

Azerbaijan Undergraduate Entry requirements for international students.

  • High school Certificate
  • International passport

Azerbaijan Master Degree Entry requirements for international students.

  • Original document about secondary education (certificate or diploma)
  • Original of Bachelor’s degree and its transcript (only for Graduate Program)
  • International passport